blue moon


transcription of my reflections shared on the moon call
hosted by Queen Esther Sarr on August 22, 2021

I’ve been reflecting on the guides and teachers in my life and I realize that Senegal specifically is my fourth guide. The guide that will help me to achieve eternal peace.

I know how to make money, how to worship, and how to gain knowledge. But what life in Africa has done is open my eyes to the true reality of this work. 

Here I see my wildest dreams coming to life. I see ast and nebt het, and het hru and ta urt and bes and tehuti every day. Literally, because the animals are all around us, and spiritually as we all embody the ntru through our daily work. The way we eat, cook, and clean, bathe, and share, and dance.

I see the sacred work being done throughout my home and everywhere around me from sunrise to sunset. 

I watch the fisherman on their boats as they go out to sea and I see all the worlds of creation coexisting at once. From the human plane up to the all encompassing world of nun. 

I see the circle of life and how it develops in each generation from the babies to the  children to the young adults - my peers - our big brothers and sisters and the elders.

The drummers come and play for my children, teaching us the rhythm and I love to see their divine spark expressed so freely against the sound of the ocean waves 

Nothing needs to be explained — everything is done through action. 

The work Queen Afua and Queen Esther have taught me prepared me immensely for this reality. So that I could overstand what I am seeing. So I can know that the work is deeper and intentional. So I know what colors to wear each day and how to flow through the month based on the moon cycles because here everyone is in alignment with the moon. Everyone is in flow. 

Everyone is so sacred. They wait until the moon tells them which day to act. 

I almost can’t handle it. 

It truly makes me look at America like what the fuck have we been doing? What have you done to us?

But I also see very clearly that while we were recovering from the impact of slavery and the miseducation in america— our family over here was also experiencing something different. A different kind of trama was taking place. Everything has not been just milk and honey, but that’s a longer different conversation all together. 

After spending the season of harvest (late winter/spring) here my family returned to the states and within a week I knew we were coming back. I needed to experience the inundation. I need to be here for the rain and the season of creation. 

And what an inundation it has been. An overflowing of experiences, interactions, lessons on lessons, exchanges, transactions, speaking the language of the world. 

because I do not speak French or wolof fluently I must call on all my spiritual tools and rites of passage to get through each day. So much of what we study of ancient kemet very actively takes place in the present here. 

most times I feel like a child myself because unless someone speaks English we just sit in each others presence because we can feel the similar frequency between us without using words. finding other ways to exchange and teach each other

But you must stay longer than a week to truly see it because even during our first two months here, everything was still a performance it was all part of an offering. 

It has only been through settling in here and pushing past the display, being able to revisit locations and people that you start to uncover the truth. and for me it has only deepened my respect. And my love and my adoration. 

And even though I may never be able to fully immerse myself — the beauty is that my children can. They can learn the language, they can do what I cannot and that is my gift to them.

Senegal I love you, this is my home now. Everywhere else is the vacation.

I give thanks again to Queen Esther for opening the way and allowing me to share my reflections.

Peace —

*there was a video reflection recorded this day… I will share sometime in the future.


equinox in amexem


conversation spaces