the new journal

Like the moon, you are allowed to rest & renew. Let your own quiet depths remind you of who you are and what you need.

i stopped writing in this journal in 2023 when i launched trop vert—which has also found itself completed— another journal on the digital shelf. my newest journal with my collected blog archives will be unveiled soon. maybe :)

I’m taking an indefinite hiatus from the regular maintenance of this project.

As I go forth in the direction I have been guided, I must pull in the petals of my temple and sink back within the depths of the womb so that in time I can re-emerge. This work was created out of motherhood, out of passion, out of calling and I must always listen to that calling. I am no longer active on social media, so if you need to reach me — please email — the og style of blogging does feel the most comfortable at the moment for sharing the next phase of this project, allowing me to express and document without being forced to also consume.

I am going to close the shop in a few days and feel such a weight being lifted. These creations are truly sacred and must always be treated as such. The Forth Edition is still yet to come :)

See you in the future. Tua Ntr

Nuk Pu Ntr Hmt


fall equinox, the voil.